Bill Clinton’s Sex Crimes Might Be Sicker Than Everyone Thinks – New Evidence Leaks Out.

The Clinton family mafia has been surrounded by all sorts of rumors and accusations over the years.

It’s hard to know which of them are actually true, but the things we know they’re guilty of make it far easier to believe the more unbelievable claims are actually true–or at least partially so.

We know Both Bill and Hillary are criminals, with the former being a rapist and serial sexual abuser of women, and the latter being guilty of setting up an illegal email server to hide her communications.

These crimes are just the tip of the iceberg, however, at least according to some.


As reported at Yes I’m Right, the Clintons have ties to some pretty shady people, including a billionaire that served prison time for running a “pedophile island” on his private Caribbean estate.

Big-time Clinton fundraiser, donor, and friend, Jeffrey Epstein, kept underage girls as sex slaves on his private island, where the likes of Bill, Hillary, and other elites routinely visited to let loose.

In this case, “let loose” translates to massive parties and orgies.

According to witness testimony in the Epstein case, at least one woman “was forced to live as one of Epstein’s underage sex slaves for years and was forced to have sex with… politicians, businessmen, royalty, academicians, etc.

Epstein’s sexual exploits have been documented since 2005, when a woman in Palm Beach contacted police saying that her 14-year old daughter had been paid $300 to massage him and then have sex.

This led to a year-long investigation that uncovered many other claims against him. Ultimately, for all his crimes, Epstein served 13 of an 18 month sentence. Funny how the super rich always manage to evade justice.

The Left doesn’t like to talk about this explosive case due to its damaging effects on the Clinton family. But despite their attempts to downplay the connections, Bill was very close with Epstein.

So much so, that he took at least 26 known trips on Epstein’s private plane, dubbed the “Lolita Express,” which was set up so passengers could have sex with young girls.

The media’s been saying where there’s smoke there’s fire in reference to the Trump-Russia collusion, but in this case, apparently there’s nothing to see.


But with Bill’s rapist past and the fact he was very close to Epstein, it’s highly likely that he’s also a pedophile, or at least had sex with underage girls.

This is something the media doesn’t want you to know about. Despite the fact it has to do with a former president, an almost president, and their billionaire benefactor and his pedophile/sex slave ring.

One would think this would be a big-time story, prompting journalists to salivate other investigating it.

But I guess all those mysterious deaths of folks involved with the Clintons have had the deterrent effect they hoped for.

Author: redwhiteandbluesite

Red White And Blue is a patriot site for patriots everywhere. For to long now the government and the media have been brainwashing the public and feeding then lies day in and day out. People are now starting to wake up, but time is getting very short. In England alone, the English are now the minority in their own country. Muslims are taking over everywhere and the government are allowing them to take us over. The Labour party started the ball rolling in the 1980's when Tony Blair and Gordon Brown said England is to White and today in 2017, there are more Mosques than Churches, there are over 85 Sharia law courts and Muslims will have taken over Great Britain within the next ten to fifteen years from now. Everything posted on this site is the whole truth, we have nothing to gain by telling lies to anyone, that's the governments and the medias job. This site will bring news from all over the world,we will show you that Islam is the most evil none religion on earth. So check out the blog for yourselves and you will begin to see it is not the powers that be that are on your side, but it is people like us that are fighting for our children's future and the future of everyone that will listen to the truth.

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